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emerald-jpgEmerald – a first-class jewel.Izumrud (Ustar. смарагд) — a jewel of the 1st class.Emerald is the transparent version of beryl, colored grassy — green by the oxide of chrome or vanadium, sometimes it has impurities of the oxide of iron (the South African emeralds). The hardness of emerald makes 7,5-8 units on the Moos’  scale.

The main emerald fields are situated in Muso (Colombia), Transvaal (Republic of South Africa) and in the Urals (the Malyshevsky field).


The colors of emeralds:

  1. Dark -green
  2. Normal — green
  3. Medium — green
  4. Light — green
  5. With the green shade (light)

Emerald is the talisman of good luck, happiness and wellbeing. It preserves the owner against all the possible sorrows and misfortunes, aspires to correct even the mistakes made by the person far back in the past. The emerald preserves the owner against sad life, addictions, spiteful charms, gives victory over negative impacts, chastity.